The ReSPR3001 consequentially reduces odours, visible smoke in the air and microbial population in air and on surface applying the NCC technology. The Natural Catalytic Converter (NCC) converts humidified air into oxidizing molecules from an area of 2500 ft. around the placement. It is composed of a special UV light and photo catalyst target, creating and intensified Catalytic Oxidation Process containing severally friendly oxidizers. This reduces the risk of infection from pathogens to those exposed in hospitals.The photo catalyst oxidation (PCO) not only destroys the biological contaminates but also produces purifying plasma which eliminates odours, molds, bacteria and virus.This brings the most advanced air purification technology in combination to clean the air and get rid of particles, VOC’s, aerosols and other air pollutants and contaminants. It also helps in destroying pollution from the air, embedded in walls, ceiling, carpets, furniture’s etc. Exemplary for Indoor air pollution control, odour reduction and contamination prevention. Appropriate for residential homes, hospital rooms, offices etc.
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